Almost everyone wants to be happy – it is an invariable axiom of our life. However, the state of happiness is so individual and unique that to create a similar situation in the reality of our days is almost impossible, only possible to experience moments of happiness. These points attract into our life very difficult, success can be achieved only by applying the talismans and amulets of happiness.
The history of talismans and amulets of happiness
To determine the exact time when the first of the talismans and amulets of happiness, it is not possible. Such things were used for centuries, undergoing changes under the influence of time and different cultures.
The basic theory is that these amulets came to us from the culture of the ancient druids. How it looked like those charms, no one knows, but even then, all the nuances of their creation was kept secret and was available to a limited number of people.
The next stage of development of talismans happiness was the heyday of the Roman Empire, as evidenced by the found artifacts of those times. Until the amulets have undergone significant changes in their appearance, the main of which was applied to them priest of runes and Latin characters, numbers and letters.
Such talismans was very common in those days that with certainty proves the fact that they are important, not the form but the content that is to fill his owner. Therefore, it is important to carefully and Mature approach to the creation and acquisition of symbols and amulets.
Features magical amulets and talismans
The talismans and amulets of happiness have a number of peculiarities that should be known by every owner of a magical character.
Any symbols of happiness talismans and charms have a strictly specified period of validity: some of them have a one-time in nature, and in achieving the goal of losing their properties. Others might last you a year or more, and then will require re-activation. Always pay attention to such moments, and choose a mascot in accordance with your requirements.
You should not rely on the recognized mascots: the human happiness concept is so unique and volatile, that the only person you know that you need to make it a reality. That is why, when choosing an amulet for happiness, focus on your inner feelings and emotions.
In the creation of talismans, bringing good luck, the appearance of the talisman is given very little attention, is the question almost entirely on your preferences and wishes. Much more important to properly charge the amulet and fill it with the necessary energy.
Before the ceremony you should carefully consider the information regarding to apply on your amulet. of characters: if you are unsure of their meaning or image, then select another method to create a mascot for good luck.
The slightest mistake in such things may entail negative consequences in the first place for you. Following all established tips, you will be able to create the most effective talisman for good luck individually.

Basic symbols and talismans for happiness
The happiness question is ambiguous, because each person has his own understanding of happiness. One needs a family to experience the fullness of life, the other a substantial sum of money to the Bank card, the third victory in the competition.
If you look at the origins of this question, one thing is clear: the person needs to get something from life for filling the soul with joy and happiness.
It turns out that it is not so difficult, really! It is possible to create talismans and amulets of happiness that will drive away failure and will open a wide path to reach my goal!
Before you can create the amulet, you should know which characters attract the most happiness in our lives:
- Engagement ring — symbol of love and friendship.
- Fish — abundance.
- Bee — success in business.
- Acorn — a symbol of youth and love.
- Arrow or glass beads for protection against the evil eye.
- Four leaf clover — good fortune, wealth and love.
- The horseshoe is a universal symbol of happiness and good luck, protection and ward off evil.
Any of these items and characters can become an amulet or talisman of happiness. The main thing to believe in its effectiveness and provide the particular sense of an object or a drawn mark.
The talismans and amulets of happiness — rules of manufacturing
Talisman or amulet for happiness can be bought in a specialty store, and to make their own hands.
Of course, the greatest force will have the talisman or amulet that you will create with your own hands. He initially will be configured for you and charged your energy.
However, this possibility is not always the case: some of the talismans and amulets of happiness should be created of such material which in manual processing are practically not possible: for example, a stone or gold. Or you are not confident in their knowledge of the proper selection of symbols and signs.
In all these cases it is easier and safer to consult a specialist, who will produce specifically for you with all the necessary amulet. However this subject later have to undergo the procedure of purification and activation to an ordinary little thing could become full amulet.

The list of basic requirements and rules
If you are determined to make the talisman of happiness with your own hands, you should adhere to the following requirements and rules:
- First of all, you should decide on the material from which you will be able to make the necessary magic item. If you have never worked in such a direction, then choose things that are easy to handle: wood, paper, cloth, or thread. Thing to remember: the material must have extremely natural origin and come essentially to the chosen mascot.
- If you need to pick a symbol that will bring you good luck and will be depicted on the talisman, then read the information about the value and possibilities of combining it with other characters. You can also seek the advice of knowledgeable people. The only way you will surely be able to avoid mistakes and unpleasant consequences for themselves.
- If you are to achieve ultimate happiness in life you need to establish a personal life, pay your attention to a talisman of Venus: correct the symbol of this planet will help you get love or meet a new love, to achieve happiness in life.
- If to achieve complete happiness you are missing a bit of luck, then stop your choice on the image of the pentacle. This ancient symbol will bring you success in all your endeavors, and therefore happiness.
Most often, the rituals for the creation of the talisman of happiness are held on the background of the waxing moon, so her power could make your life harmony and tranquility. Day of the week is chosen depending on which character you prefer: for example, if they become ancient pentacle, then choose environment. And on Thursday the power of Venus will be most felt.
Amulet for happiness with his own hands out of cardboard
You can create your own amulets of happiness that will change your destiny in the direction you want.
But it is necessary to warn that first of all you need to get rid of negative influences which might be directed at you by the enemies.
It is necessary to clean your aura from possible damage, the evil eye or curses. And only after these steps you can begin to create talismans and charms for happiness.
So, select a symbol to draw on a piece of cardboard, filling their wishes and a belief in their implementation. Sheet size should be such that you could carry it always with you.
A year later, the amulet loses its power, so it will need to burn with gratitude, and scatter the ashes by air. The time of the creation of the amulet should fall in the growing phase of the moon or month.
Amulets and talismans of happiness from objects
It could be a new thing you have purchased or donated a loved one. It may be an old thing that makes you valuable. But it needs to be cleaned from any information under running water or on a burning candle.
Then you take the subject in hand, close my eyes and create in your imagination the desired images. When images become bright and clear, the effort will pass their subject. I mean, imagine how they fill the object and remain in it. Thus, it is possible to give a verbal command of images to attract something in your life, or repel from you the evil energy.
When you will feel that the subject is saturated with images, and they clearly respond verbally to the program, open your eyes. The amulet ready. Keep out of reach or carry, and a year ritual to be repeated with the same subject.
Amulet is the same as any lucky charms, you can create for a loved one.

The plot is a bundle of happiness
To make the knot for happiness and to speak it can anyone, even completely inexperienced in the art of magic, and the result is, nevertheless, quite effective. To create it you need the following components:
- wax candle;
- a small bowl;
- clean water;
- square piece of new matter.
The rite must spend the late afternoon and closer to midnight.
The ritual itself is necessarily performed exclusively in solitude.
You should set a candle in a glass and light it usually match from a new box.
While it is burning, take a good look at the flame and think about the things that make you happy.
Any negative thoughts should be banished from your head.
Once you mentally focus and start reading the words of a conspiracy on happiness:
"For the sea the island of Buyan, on that island stands a mountain and the mountain is the hole. And in the hole seven devils sitting on people failing to send. While the younger closed his eyes, and I his tail to the fire equidem. Until the fire he and his children with me to see me fuck with my brothers!".
After you read these words, leave a candle burning to the end of yourself. When the flame reaches the water and disappears, you will need to collect the remains of wax in a piece of cloth and tie it with a knot.
Please choose only one wax, that you like the most, the rest together with the water to be drawn from the house and buried under every tree. Such a bundle of happiness should be worn constantly during yourself to luck and luck accompany you constantly, making life itself easier and carefree.
How to make a good luck charm
You must firmly believe in the efficacy of rite and no doubt that amulet for happiness will actually bring it back to you. If you spend a similar ritual out of curiosity, you'd better just give it up: the result can be disastrous for you.
The finished amulet is a must carry: you can use it as pendant or keychain, or just put in the bag. The main thing that he was always accompanied by you. This amulet should periodically take up and address him with words of gratitude or requests.